Our hay(s) are planted vegetatively from rhizomes (underground stems). The rhizomes are dug from our clean, established fields using mechanical diggers. Sprigging service is available from January to June (thru September in mid-south Florida if irrigation is available). Our service includes all labor, equipment, and material required to
Our hay(s) are planted vegetatively from rhizomes (underground stems). The rhizomes are dug from our clean, established fields using mechanical diggers. Sprigging service is available from January to June (thru September in mid-south Florida if irrigation is available). Our service includes all labor, equipment, and material required to plant and roll your field. Minimum acreage requirements: 20 Acres.
Our service does not include any site or ground preparation. We recommend tilling, harrowing or bottom-plowing the field several times. It should be clean of any other grasses or weeds and smooth. If the field formerly had pine trees, all stumps & limbs must be removed so that our equipment is not damaged.
Call or email us to discuss your sprigging needs, current pricing, and scheduling. Please include your location and acres interested in planting.